The overstock of cleansers, detergents, room deodorizers, and candles is prevalent in spaces that I help clients declutter.

Perhaps the association of the words “cleanliness” and “godliness” has subconsciously influenced overbuying these relatively low-cost, always-on-sale, sweet-smelling items.

Or could it be the product manufacturers’ efforts whose job it has been to warp the sense of what “clean” smells like?

Although there’s no federal regulation of chemicals in household products,  anything that says “fragrance” likely contains phthalates.

The FDA says that phthalates are “possibly harmful” and some phthalates have been banned in the EU.


Are you interested in making a healthy impact with minimal organizing effort?

Start by decluttering your cleaning supplies.

Take inventory of what you have.  Consolidate, reduce or completely discard and start fresh.

Environmental experts have quoted that the average household contains about 62 toxic chemicals.

Exposure to small amounts of these toxins isn’t likely to be a problem.

However, when used routinely, indoors and in combinations that haven’t been studied, it’s difficult to gauge the actual risks.


How do you know what to discard?

A suggestion is to get rid of anything that doesn’t receive a “B” rating or higher from the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

It’s the EWG’s mission to empower people to live healthier lives.

Through research and education, they help consumers make informed decisions about the products they buy.


Motivated to dump all of your current products and start with a non-toxic “clean slate”?

Start with white vinegar and baking soda.  The uses for these two products are endless.

Take it a step further and customize the scent and create health-improving products on your own by introducing essential oils.


Here are a few simple recipes:

Using this?

Try this:

All-purpose cleaner
  •  2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 1 tlb dish soap 
  • 1 tlb baking soda
  • add 10 – 20 drops of lemon essential oil
 Glass cleaner
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 cup water
 Air freshener / room spray
  •  Mix water + favorite essential oil in a clean plastic or glass spray bottle
 Scented fabric sheet
  • Add 10 -20 drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender is a good one) to a clean damp rag
  • Put in the dryer with wet clothes and let the natural scent permeate the fabrics as they dry


By using a few natural products you can make your cleaning process simple, healthy, and create space in closets and cabinets…. literally, breathe easier!


Do you smell that smell?  It smells like….nothing.  The real smell of clean.


What are you inspired to declutter this spring?  Share in the comments below.  And see this post for more ideas.