1. Leverage the back-to-school momentum. Even if you are not in a formal school setting, this time of year inspires new knowledge, new projects, and new or improved habits. Schedule and commit to spending 15 minutes on a project you’d like to work on. It could be a simple as cleaning out your wallet of old receipts, expired coupons, and business cards. Perhaps you have a more ambitious goal, such as writing a book or starting an exercise routine (again). Start by scheduling the activity in small increments; try 15 minutes, three times a week. In a Pilates class that I recently attended, the instructor started a stopwatch and led the class through five different types of (challenging) abdominal strengthening exercises, repeating each exercise three times. After receiving a worksheet depicting each exercise, our homework was to do the same sequence at least once before the next class. The instructor held up her stopwatch to emphasize how little time it took to burn out our abs – only 1:40! Something to try: Instead of thinking about finishing a project, make it your goal to start in small and focused blocks of time, repeatedly. Whatever your project is, use the shift in the season to commit to small and consistent actions.
  2. Temperature. Fall is gorgeous and a perfect temperature for organizing, at least here in New England. Open your home’s windows and enjoy the crisp airflow in as you declutter. Temperatures are just as enjoyable outside – a great time for yard work or garage decluttering projects.  Check your city’s website to learn about hazardous waste removal and paper shredding events that might be happening in your area.
  3. Locate and stage holiday decorations in advance. Find inspiration for your Halloween costume. Only keep the items that truly motivate you to start creating the costume now. Consider donating the decorations that you didn’t use last year.
  4. Many coat drive initiatives begin in October. Now is the perfect time to gather and donate winter coats. Depending on the volume of your wardrobe and how swiftly you can make decisions, this organizing project could be a quick win! Locate all winter coats and put them in a pile. Try each coat on and ask yourself, “If the temperature changed right now, would I wear it?” Consider donating the coats that you did not wear at all last winter. Once you’ve made your decisions, check out Anton’s Cleaners, One Warm Coat, or Goodwill and decide where you’d like to donate. Next, open your calendar and schedule a day and time to drop off your donations.
  5. Create a spectacular space, now, where you can cozy in and savor snow days! Create space in your home for crafts, hobbies, and kids’ projects before the next change in season.  Declutter now to avoid being dragged down by any objects in your home that you don’t enjoy and know you will not use again.
  6. Get a head start on your financial and tax paperwork. If you haven’t already, gather all receipts that you’ve accumulated so far this year.  Unless they are for business-related purchases or large ticket items, throw out receipts for groceries, consumables, and for items past their return date. Place the rest in an envelope labeled “Taxes YYYY”, put the envelope in a file folder with the same label. As you come across papers that need to be shredded, put them aside in a labeled paper bag or file box. Getting your receipts and financial information in order now will save you time and frustration next year.

If you donate as much as I do to Goodwill, you might like the Donation Receipt Builder. This online donation tracker allows you to select the type of item you are donating from a pre-populated list and provides a suggested price for items that are in good or gently-used condition. If you feel your item is worth more or less, you are able to adjust the price. Once you’ve entered your items, download and save the electronic receipt or print it right away and place it in your “Taxes YYYY” file folder. It doesn’t get easier than that – impress the heck out of your accountant next tax season!

What do you feel called to organize, now? Let me know in the comments below.

Do you have an organization project that you’d like some help with starting? Contact me for a 30-minute complimentary phone consultation. There’s no better time than now!